Saturday, October 31, 2009

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Thurs PM: cleaned out and said goodbye to my car. This sucks.,

Friday 445a-leave house for hospital
Friday 7:15a-have surgery to repair broken hand
Friday 10a-leave hospital and realize that grits and unsweet tea may be the best breakfast ever
Friday 1130a-get home, go to sleep.
Fri 230p-wake up, realize mt thrat is sore as heck, eat honey stick, drink tea.
Fri 245p-further irritate mt throat by talking to parent.
Fri 3:15pm-back to sleep
Fri 7pm-Beth brings steak-out, kniting, and company.
Total painpills: 3

Saturday: wake up screaming in pain, go back to sleep. Watch some TV. Go to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch. Buy halloween candy. Have milkshake. Bad idea. We got one trick-or-treater, who was crying. Either she was tired or our noisy dogs scared her. Someone needs to invent a doorbell that dogs cannot hear. Hand/wrist still hurt. Throat still sore, mostly from yelling at kitten to get off kitchen counter
Total painpills: 1. Might have another before bed.

Tomorrow: May or may not go to moms, depends on if I feel like being in cars for 2+ hours, not to mention Mom doesn't like it if we take a nap, no matter how rotten we feel.

Bummer: not working on my computer. It's a great website full of craft fail.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week of 10/26

This wee:

1. Deal with totalled car Wed-Thur
2. Surgery to repair carwrecked hand-Fri
3. Be still-Sat
4. Be still, and know that she is just being Mom-Sun

Music: Abba, and Books-on-Tape: Da Vinci Code

Bonus Feature: My Kitteh

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm back! Yes, really, I am going to try this again.

Ok, this is going to be one heckuva week, so here goes.

Mon: work, secret shop, gym, knitting, show off vacation yarn, pick out yarn for Tuesday
Tue: work, pick-up food, proceed to WoolWars 1, a high stakes poker game involving lots of yarn.
Wed: work, gym, home to frantically make stuff for Saturday, watch Glee
Thur: work, gym, Beth, frantically make more stuff for Saturday (subject to change), watch Project Runway
Fri: work, gym, UAH Hockey Game
Sat: with Jim at OutLoud! about carrying my artwork, have lunch with Katie, go to Murfreesboro Fiber Festival.
Sun: Mom, volleyball, mom

Music list for the week: It's going to be a loooonnngggg week, so there will be git-r-done music in the form of Pirates of the Caribbean soundtracks, Chicago Soundtrack, Man of La Mancha Original Broadway Recording...let's face it, this week will require epic scores and lots of showtunes.

Bonus feature:

Must-See Movie: Sordid Lives

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Agenda for next few days...

Knitting (finish Auburn Scarf)
Wash/hang dry three more scarves

Playlist: Something epic, just not sure what

Gather up scarves
Meeting with Kimberley's about getting my scarves in her store
Volleyball-team tryout/game

Playlist: Something creative

Bonus Feature: The scary thing is I have seen some of these people, or people very much like them.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

August 26, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Work
2. Library
3. Software Training 1p-4p
4. Gym
5. Cook Dinner
6. Work on commissioned Auburn Scarf

Today's Music:
The Highwaymen, Johnny Cash

Today's Bonus Feature:
Just because he is, well, Neil Patrick Harris

Quote of the Day:
From Two and a half Men:
Charlie: Women are suckers for a good apology. Just keep shoveling it on till roses start growing in it.
Alan: Poor Satan. He'll come for your soul but he'll leave empty-handed.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Weekend 8/15+

Wow, this is gonna get busy...


Sat 9a: 2 dogs, 2 cats to vet for shots
Sat between events: load loom, clean house, make food to take to party
Sat 530p: party with some friends
Sun 10a: Mom arrives
Sun 11a:Lunch with Mom
Sun 1p-3p: Volleyball (+/- 30 minute drive)
Sun 3p-7p: Dive home, visit with Mom and Jaspher, pack for the night
Sun 8p: check in at Sleep Clinic

Today's Playlist:
Country, Pirates of the Caribbean 1 Soundtrack, Part of Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice, which I have never read but am listening to on audiobook and can't believe I overlooked for so long.

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10, 2009

So much for resolutions, right?

Today's Agenda:
.5 Arnica and Aspercreme for forearms and thumb due to Sunday volleyball.
.75 Bandaids for heel blister and nasty bug bite.
1. Work
1.5 Aspercreme and Naproxen for calves, forearms. See .5
1.75 Try to find some way to listen to today's rain-delayed Nascar Race
2. Trip to Walmart for socks that will not cause heel blisters. See also .5
3. Gym
4. Knitting
5. Grocery shopping

Today's Play List
Nascar Race (maybe), Peter Paul and Mary

Today's Bonus Feature:

Today's Quote:
Skipper the Penguin: Well boys, it's going to be ice-cold sushi for breakfast!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 5, 2009

Yes. Late. I know.

To do:
1. Work
2. Post office (done)
3. Library to check out books because I left current books I am reading at home. (done)
4. Gym
5. Dinner
6. Starbucks to finish ^&*% project on loom.

Today's Play List:
Pet Shop Boys, Willie Nelson/Johnny Cash VH1 Storytellers Album

Today's Bonus Feature

Today's Quote:
"The shepherd always tried to persuade the sheep that their interestes and his own are the same." ~Stendhal

Monday, August 3, 2009

August 3, 2009

I'm back, and will be making a renewed effort to keep my agenda up to date. What can I say? I was on vacation, and then back to work after vacation, and we all know how THAT goes.

So, I will post bonus posts when I can, but until then, we now return you to my regularly scheduled agenda...

August 4, 2009

To Do:
1. Work
2. Go to post office to mail ATCs
3. Go to the bank
4. Gym
5. Home, leftovers for dinner, work on ATCs or weaving. Probably weaving, because I am tired of the project on the loom and want to get someting else done.

Bonus Feature: Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like.

Music List:
Billboard Classic Country #1s, Billie Joe Shaver Tribute Album, Man of La Mancha Broadway Cast Recording

Quote of the Day:“Too bad you can't buy a voodoo globe so that you could make the earth spin real fast and freak everybody out.” ~Jack Handy, SNL

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 15, 2009

Ok, so it's been an eventful week.

Monday- Work, Gym, Chick-fil-a, and knitting, which involved a gift of lovely yarn from The Barista.

Tuesday- Harry Potter Movie Premiere Party. No, I did not go see the movie, preferring instead to be conscious at work today. I did, however, don my Slytherin student costume and head out to the party with Beth. While at the party, I met one Madam Pomfrey, one Arthur Weasley, one Luna Lovegood, one Rita Skeeter, two Tonks, one Sirius Black (in full dog suit), one Dobby, six Deatheaters (remarkably well-behaved teenaged boys), assorted students and Weasleys, one Madam Hooch, one Professor Sprout, one Molly Weasley, several Bellatix (Bellatrices?), and a couple of local radio station personalities who are either dumber than dirt or very good actors. Cool to see all the costumes, but one sad moment when I realized I have utterly lost my abililty to playfully interact with strangers. I used to be a Renaissance Faire performer. All the people skills I acquired then have apparently gone out the window. Now, I wasn't terribly disappointed about not staying for the movie, since I have not liked any of them, but the fact that I did so to be a responsible adult is slightly painful.

Tonight I start packing for my trip, and next week's agenda will be well-packed with vacation and Comic-con goings-on.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11, 2009

Returned home from hospital last night, nice to be in my own bed. While there, finished a scarf that is beyond lovely.

So, today, got out into the world and did stuff.

1. Went to Little Barn to work on weaving and hang out with friends. Finished Auburn scarf, started Black and Gray Long Stripes, a "manly" sort of scarf.
2. Lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant.
3. Library to return DVDs and show them hospital paperwork to avoid late fees. Slipped and said I lived in the next county.
4. Paid $15 fee to become and out-of-county library user.
5. Came home, played with kitten, listened to race, painted ATC backgrounds and finished "Fairy Cards".
6. Started planning what I am taking to California with me.

Today's Bonus Feature:
Twilight Movie Synopsis

Thursday, July 9, 2009

July 9, 2009

Today's Agenda and Yesterday's recap:

July 8, 2009
Watched: ER, Home Improvement, L&O, In % Out, Birdcage, Major League.
Forgot to watch: Wipeout and I Survived a Japanese Gameshow

Read: finished Fatally Flakey, did not start on another book because I was

Knitting: two projects partially completed, one I really wanted to do, one that was just a time killer.

Slept: not so much. Dr. put me on sleep deprivation. Thank goodness for all of the above amusements, plus company.

July 9, 2009
Watching: The Price is Right, Home Improvement, Movie(s) not too sure which yet.

Reading: The Last Report of a Miracle at Little No Horse OR Wheel of Darkness

Knitting: Yesterday's projects - goal to complete one

Exercise: Time on an exercise bike

Sleep: somewhat more than yesterday.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday July 7

Today's Agenda

Note - I am in hospital for 3-5 days for diagnostic stuff, nothing serious. So, this week's agenda will primarily deal with media consumption, knitting projects, and me trying not to go crazy.

Planned for today:
TV - anything NOT Michael Jackson. Or religious. Or Fox News. Or talk shows. Or court shows. Or the Hospital Baby idea what it is, but I REALLY don't want to find out. ER, Home Improvement (LOVE IT), Price is Right, Disney, these are OK. Law and Order, CSI if I am lucky. More for background noise than anything.

Books: Fatally Flaky, the latest mystery by Diana Mott Davidson.

Movie: The Sign of the Beaver (adaptation of children's book that has nothing to do with Leave It to Beaver or bad porn), Kinsey (which does have to do with sex, although in an intellectual way)

Bonus Feature:

Tuesday, July 7 - weekend recap

Saturday - did a whole lot of nothing, watched some fireworks, listened to the race (yes, Nascar), made cards, baked cake with vanilla cream cheese frosting.

Sunday - Mom. No Walmart, no shopping, so we got done way early. Chocolate sauce experiment was seriously made of fail, but it turned into a DIVINE chocolate cranberry cheesecake.

Monday - mostly uneventful, except for the weird guy at knitting. He wasn't knitting, just hanging out in the cafe handing out tracts. Took him a while to get up the nerve to bother our table. Packed for the week's "adventure".

Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday July 3

Ok, so the agenda for today got slightly altered, and resulted in me, well, going fishing. Yeah. Recap...

Ok, so any day that starts with hot cocoa for breakfast (provided you don't have to go to work) is gonna be a good day. So I got home, whipped up some sundried tomato dip, helped Jaspher pack up the big-ass pan of baked beans, and off we went to the Redneck Birthday BBQ, featuring fishing, grilling, a slip & slide, and a trampoline. And goats.Now, I've never quite understood the fishing thing. The whole sit-and-wait thing, hours of doing nothing, yeah, not really my thing. And then today I tried it (note-at no point did I touch a fish, because that is just ick). Bamboo cane pole, fishing line, and cheap hot dog bait. Caught four fish in 30 minutes, including one poor little guy who had to have the hook...well, let's just say he is fine. Could have stayed out there all day, just waiting for just one more....thankfully for my easily sunburned skin, everyone decided to pack it up and go to the grill. Because really, fishing falls under the heading of "know when to say when". I can see how it could be veerrryyy addictive. And we have an open invite to go anytime. At least Jaspher does not have to worry about me sneaking off to go fishing, because that would require me to handle the fish and EEEWWWW!
So after fishing, we went back to the house, and got introduced to the four-legged bush hawgs, aka four goats hired to clear out some pasture. Goat Wrangler was not thrilled with Little White Goat, which was sitting in the shade, and it was promptly ordered to stop resting and start eating. Oh, and we nibbled on wild blackberries, which were somewhat flat tasting, but it was still cool.
Good food, nice people, and a herd of children, including a four-year-old streaker and a 1.5 year old who refused to keep his shoe on (he kept one shoe on, anyway) and was toting cheetos in his bib overall pocket. Because really, it's not summer unless the kids are covered with scrapes, scratches, and cheese doodle.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

This Week's Agenda

Because I will likely not have time for daily updates (Dear Coworker, please get well soon and come back...please...), we're going for the week-to-come:

Monday: Work, Post Office to mail a box from my partner to his Platonic Dear Hubby, Gym, Knitting (where I will unweave the project on my loom and start over, because one should not weave on sleep-deprivation and a low-leel sleeping pill), work on Altered Book Project

Tuesday: Work, Bank, Phone Call Secret Shops, Gym, home to cook dinner and finish Altered Book Project

Wednesday: Work, Walk, Gym, knitting (weaving) at Starbucks with one-or-more friends, try to finish orange patterned scarf.

Thursday: Work (and theoretically get off early), Gym, Kill Time, Beth

Friday: Leave Beth's, come home and work on ATCs and weaving until my eyes cross.

Saturday: Putter around the house, cook indoor BBQ (chicken with homemade BBQ sauce, banana puddin', beans, chips), sit out on back deck and watch fireworks to the east, north, and west without having to deal with drunk people, stupid drivers, or teenagers who think it is funny to shoot off bottle rockets and roman each other.

Sunday...everyone say it with me...MOM!

Ok, yeah, so it's been a while

More or less mundane week, so let's just fast forward to the weekend-in-review:

After dinner and ice cream, go home and play with paint (water color and acrylic), and create mini-art-pieces that I don't hate.

1. Go into town to hand out fliers for our missing office cat.
2. Eat barbeque.
3. Go to craft store and spend 30 minutes trying to find the EXACT right yarn for a project.
4. Succeed at finding yarn.
5. Get home, hold breath and try it works...sign in relief

Sunday, aka MOM day:
1. Lunch at Shoney's, like Denny's with a buffet, but tastes good all day, not just in the wee hours of the morning after a night of hard clubbing.
2. 50th Anniversary Party for friend of Mom's....

Ok, so this one warrants some explanation, by the numbers:
# of men in dress overalls: 1, with neatly pressed blue and white button down under it.
# of men who did not admit to being gay but had a male roommate for 25 years and are considered the "other son" by the anniversary honorant: 1
#of little kids with southern accents: 5...and really, there is nothing cuter than a little kid with a heavy, like from-the-middle-of nowhere-alabama southern accent.
#of strikingly beautiful women taking pictures: 1
# of decadent desserts: 5 + cake
#of stains on my neatly pressed beige cargo shorts from eating chocolate covered strawberries: 8
# of small children capable of eating chocolate covered strawberries without covering their sunday clothes in them: 5

...and because this was a Good Southern Party catered by the "not gay" Southen man, there were nuts and mints. These were missing at a recently attended baby shower, and I'm sure we were not the only people scandalized by the omission.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Work
2. Deposit checks
3. AT&T Store to figure out new phone deal
4. Starbucks for knitting

Today's Music:

Miranda Lambert, Kris Kristofferson, Classic Country Duets (Brenda Lee, Krist Kristofferson, Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson)

Today's Quote:
Regarding this worksafe photo of a local church
"It says, 'I'm holy, but I like omelettes'." ~ Wil Elrick

Today's Bonus Feature:
World's Easiest Dip
Sour Cream
Sun-dried Tomatoes in Oil (Costco Big Jar is STILL the best).
Open sour cream. Mix in tomoatoes to taste. Serve.


Well, since I have been lax-to say the least-in posting, I give you an update, and will attempt to be more consistent in the future, since I really do use this to keep track of my life.

Rewind-June 8-tasted Bacon Chocolate from a snooty chocolatier. Yeah, I'd not recommend it. Just didn't work, which I guess is proof that not everything is better with bacon.
June 10 - BOOKED MY TICKET TO COMIC-CON! WOOHOO! 10 days in San Diego!
June 11 - nothing of note
June 12 - Party at my partner's bosses house. Brought spinach dip and veggie skewers. Was most surprised that no one got drunk, although they were sipping on "Sweet Tea Vodka" (this is a real product-I swear I am not making it up), which smelled like cough syrup, and not the kid-friendly sort. Great cards, also not of the kid-friendly sort.
June 13 - World Wide Knit in Public Day Finished 1.5 scarves. Spent the morning at Barnes & Noble knitting, chatting, being stared at, and dodging the news crew that came to film it. This is a huge international event where people, well, get together to knit in public. The only unfortunate side effect (for some locals) may be that they'll come to our Monday Night Group, and discover that we are not their gramma's knitters, and that we are a bunch of potty-mouths. Spent the afternoon at local mall for gathering #2, which was poorly attended but fun nonetheless. Spent the evening at home warping the loom and test driving yarns on it, only to discover that I have hundreds of balls and skeins of yarn and NOTHING that works for this project.
June 14 - Mom day, finished remaining .5 scarf, listened to and watched race. Oh, and found several bottles of my favorite shower gel at TJ Maxx, and cleaned them out of it.
June 15 - back to work, back to the gym, back to knitting and having an angel named Amanda come up with yarn (I hope!) for the new project, ordered dad's father's day gift.
June 16 - work, gym, clean TJ Maxx #2 out of aforementioned shower gel, got father's day cards, made dinner, worked on Sun-themed ATCs that I HAVE to mail out tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 10, 2009

Due to circumstances beyond my control, aka WORK, I have been unable to daily agenda. So let's quickly dispense with what was (Sunday Mom, Mon Work + Knitting, Tue Free Chik-fil-a Breakfast x2 and Work + Finish scarf on loom. So...

Today's Agenda

1. Work
2. Mall walk at lunch
3. Gym
4. BUY PLANE TICKET TO COMIC-COM WOOHOO (and get bonus days in San Diego!)
5. Make dinner (Salmon Burgers and Veggies) with blueberries with fresh vanilla whipped cream for desert.


Friday, June 5, 2009

June 7, 2009

Today's Agenda:

Gay Day!

1. Sidewalk Sale at favorite gay bookstore: shopping list: gay flag and bear stickers for car, elbow grease, used books, December Diamonds
2. Yarn Shop #1
3. Lunch
4. Yarn Shop #2
5. Trader Joe's: shopping list: Spicy Bean Dip, peanut butter, gift chocolate, dried fruit and nuts, whatever else catches my eye, whatever Beth wants
6. Back to gay bookstore for seminar that interest us. Yeah.

Today's Music:
Dan Savage and BGSS podcasts, country music

Today's Bonus Feature:
Christmas ornaments unlike any you have ever seen...unless you are us...

Today's Quote: Actually, a passage from a movie I love:
Maude: I should like to change into a sunflower most of all. They're so tall and simple. What flower would you like to be?
Harold: I don't know. One of these, maybe.
Maude: Why do you say that?
Harold: Because they're all alike.
Maude: Oooh, but they're *not*. Look. See, some are smaller, some are fatter, some grow to the left, some to the right, some even have lost some petals. All *kinds* of observable differences. You see, Harold, I feel that much of the world's sorrow comes from people who are *this*, [she points to a daisy]
Maude: yet allow themselves be treated as *that*. [she gestures to a field of daisies]

June 5, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Get hot chocolate from Barista
2. Work until ???
3. Gym - maybe
4. Home to plot and plan for the weekend

Today's Music:
Kris Kristoffersen, Judy Collins, Twilight Soundtrack

Today's Bonus Feature:
In honor of the "Let's See What Other Classic TV Show We Can Utterly Ruin" movie version of Land of the Lost, I give you the original, in all its cheezy goodness.

Today's Quote:
"Make it so." ~ Jean Luc Picard
"Bite me." ~Richer

Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Work
2. Produce Store
3. Library
4. Gym (if not working late)
5. Knitting

Today's Music:
Sin City Social Club, Rockabilly Compilation

Bonus Feature and Quote will return tomorrow.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 31, 2009

Mom. Aka Lunch at Ruby Tuesdays (score: $26 for steak, lobster tails, ribs, chicken tenders, shrimp, baked potato, chedder mashed potatoes, mushrooms, green beans, salad, and three iced teas), thanks to buy one get one free coupon and some creative ordering.

Petsmart for pet stuff and Target for house stuff.

Back to her house to spend the afternoon sitting on the porch reading the paper, working on my loom and bird watching with her and Jaspher.

May 30, 2009

Done Agenda (yes. late again. deal with it.)

1. Pick up prescriptions
2. Take dogs to get pedicures (ok, nails cut and dremmeled)
3. Eat lunch outdoors on patio at favorite mexican restaurant with dogs happily sitting under the table.
4. Take Jaspher to get a haircut
4.5 Discover that EVERYONE loves Boston Terriers.
5. Clean the kitchen
5.5 Exhaust kitten by playing with it with dangly feathery toys.
6. Immediately dirty it up again cooking Vanilla Honey Nut Candy (recipe below), corn cakes (with and without maple syrup), and chicken tenders.
7. Help Jaspher warp medium loom for his first weaving project
8. Warp my small loon and start a beyond gorgeous scarf.
9. Watch helplessly as 1.5lb kitten takes over Boston Terrier's crate.
9.5 Watch helplessly as Boston Terrier watches helplessly as her crate is taken over.

Today's Music:
Well, it would have been Avenue Q Soundtrack if I had bothered to push play on the CD player

Today's Bonus Feature:
Vanilla Honey Nut Candy (No Refined Sugar)

2 cups whole roasted salted almonds
1/2 cup shelled roasted salted pistachios
1 1/2 cups roasted salted pecans (I roasted raw ones in my oven, single layer on cookie sheet at 250 for 25 minutes)
1/4 cup honey
2 tblsp light agave nectar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp almond flavoring
1/2 tsp butterscotch flavoring
ground sea salt (DO NOT USE TABLE SALT!)

Preheat oven to 250. Mix all but sea salt together. Sprinkle with sea salt, mix again. Nuts should be coated in syrup, but not dripping with it. Spread mixture on greased foil on cookies sheet. Sprinkle with sea salt. Bake until nuts start to look shiny, about 30 minutes. Remove, sprinkle with salt. Let cool for a few minutes, taste, and bake more if desired. Cool slightly, peel off cookie sheet, store....if there is any left over after you start eating it...

Gluten-free Corn Cakes

2 cups yellow corn meal
1 cup almond flour
2 beaten eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 tblsp baking powder
ground sea salt
Real Maple Syrup (optional)

Mix all ingredients except Maple Syrup in a bowl until well blended. Heat thin layer of oil in skillet. Use your hands to pat batter into cakes and cook in oil. Remove and cool. Eat plain or with Maple Syrup (yum!) Note: There is no sugar or sweetener added to the batter. This is because, in deference to the Southerner living here, we do not make Yankee cornbread.

Today's Quote:
"_______". ~Marcel Marceau

May 28, 2009

Done Agenda:

1. Work
2. Work late
3. Go for Vietnamese food with Beth
4. Go to Maggie Moos for ice cream, my one sweet vice as I eat almost no sugar.
5. Go for a long walk around local open air snazzy snooty mall
6. Sit on bench on lovely night with Beth.

Today's Music:
Something epic, I'm sure

May 29, 2009

Done Agenda:

1. Hot cocoa with real fresh made whipped cream from The Barista
2. Work
3. Work late
4. Bring KFC home because I am too lazy to cook.
5. Sleep. Lots of sleep

Today's Music:
All of the unnamed tracks on my computer, which ranged from Abba to Kenny Chesney to Nine Inch Nails

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009

Today's Agenda (done. yes. I'm late.)

1. Take Jaspher to work.
2. Work
3. Dr.
4. Pick up kitten from vet
5. Amuse office with kitten
5.5 Watch kitten go to sleep under desk, head resting on power supply.
6. Sort and make sense of 2" of contracts
7. Get Frizzle's for dinner
8. Squee over super giant rainbow, take pictures
9. Go home, watch approaching storm that was a whole lot of nothing.
9.5 Watch Glee
10. Clean hedgehog cage.

Today's Music:
Judy Garland, Man of La Mancha Original Broadway Cast

Today's Bonus Feature:
In honor of my favorite condiment...

Today's Quote:

“We shouldn't teach great books; we should teach a love of reading.”
- B. F. Skinner

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Extra post, because it's my blog and I can

Note from the weekend:

1. Photo albums left in plain sight are fair game.
2. 80's clothes and hair are still funny 25 years later.
3. No one looks good in a hat with ear flaps.
4. 80 is the new 21.
5. If you label your party cup THIS IS NOT BEER, you are guaranteed that no one will touch it.
6. Yard work = sick. Sick = meds. Meds = high. Therefore, yard work gets you high.
7. Rain and Nascar do not mix.
8. If you are a mediocre driver in any sort of racing event, pray for rain.
9. Hot chocolate heals all woes.
10. American Dad is not as funny as Family Guy. Or The Simpsons.
11. Those cloud that look like they are way south of you will flood your room in no time flat.
12. Mothers who volunteer to make 50 sewn stuffed kangaroos for their church's Vacation Bible School deserve a medal. Or a sanity check.

May 26, 2009

Today's Agenda

1. Cuss at the rain that rained out the race because it's going to make my day hell
2. Work
3. Gym
4. Cook dinner
5. Work on ATCs-Time Flies theme

Today's Music:
Danny Elfman Movie Scores

Today's Bonus Feature:
Made of Fail:

Today's Quote:
"I feel a recipe is only a theme, which an intelligent cook can play each time with a variation." ~Madam Benoit

Monday, May 25, 2009

Extra post, because it's my blog and I can

Since I've been mentioning them, here are the weekend's recipes.

Stuffed Bell Peppers
1 bell pepper per person
1 lb ground turkey breast (for four servings)
2-3 heaping spoonfuls of sun-dried tomotoes in oil
1/4 cup crumbled bacon
shredded cheese
olive oil
adobo seasoning

Heat oven to 425. Cut bell peppers in half. Place on foil on cookie sheet and drizzle with oil. Put in oven. Brown turkey, add bacon and sundried tomatoes, cook until tomatoes and bacon are heated through. Remove bell peppers from oven and spoon meat mixture into them, surround with any remaining meat. Cover with cheese. Return to oven until cheese is melted, or put in broiler if you want cheese browned.

Spinach Dip
1 block cream cheese (best with the real thing, rather than the fat-free stuff)
8oz sour cream (again, best with the real thing)
8oz (half of a 16oz bag) of frozen spinach, thawed
1 tsp abobo seasoning
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4-1/2 cup shredded italian cheese blend.

Soften cream cheese (leave out on counter for about an hour). Put cream cheese and sour cream in a bowl, blend with hand blender until smooth. Add spinach and blend until smooth. Add seasonings (more or less to taste) and blend until well blended. Add cheese and blend. Serve cold.

Tropical Fruit Salad
1 can pineapple tidbits in juice
1 can manarin oranges IN JUICE (not light syrup)
1 can tart charries IN WATER (not in syrup)
2 cups plain unsweetened yogurt
1/4 cup honey
2 tblsp light agave nectar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla flavoring
1/2 tsp almond flavoring

Drain pineapple and oranges, reserve juice. Remove juice, add cherries and drain into separate bowl. Mix dressing ingredients until well blended, adjusting sweeteners and flavorings to taste. Add to drained fruit. Serve cold.
Tip: reserved juice makes a great chicken marinade---put it in a ziploc bag, add some garlic, salt, and olive oil, and put chicken pieces in it until ready to cook.

Cream Cheese Dip (great for eating on its own or dipping fruit in), also makes great cookie filling
1 block cream cheese
1/4 cup honey
2 tblsp light agave nectar
1 tblsp maple syrup
1 1/2 vanilla flavoring
3/4 tsp almond flavoring

Blend ingredients in bowl. Serve. To make banana flavored dip, cut up a well-ripened banana into it. Or spread on, well, anything!

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22, 23, 24, 25


Today 5/22

.5 Take completed Woven Pink Bag Fabric to Barista
1. Work
2. Off at 3pm, go to Costco and grocery store
3. Cook Stuffed Bell Peppers, Fried Potatoes, and Green Beans with Dry Shelled Peas for dinner
4. Play with kitten/dog/dog/dog
5. Take my first Mirapex and see what happens

Tomorrow 5/23

1. Give Dog #3 back to his owner
2. Make for party: Spinach Dip, Fruit Salad
2.25 (maybe) Work on Asian-themed ATCs
2.5 (maybe) Go to Library to rent documentaries to watch on Monday
3. Go to party hosted by Jaspher's faaaaaabulous boss
4. Eat good food
5. Watch fun people get fun drunk

Sunday 5/24
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Mom

1. Cancel with Mom on account of Jaspher = sick.
2. Take care of Jaspher = sick.
3. Enjoy doing nothing but laundry and ATC.
4. Get bent with the rain that's screwing with the Nascar race
5. Try to figure out how much extra work I will have on Tuesday on account of rained-out race.

Monday 5/25
1. Laundry
2. Take care of Jaspher = sick
3. Warp loom, work on new scarf
3.5 Watch rain-delayed Nascar race, wait through two more rain delays.
4. Work on ATCs
5. Go to knitting

Today's Music:
Hank Williams Jr, Bruce Springsteen

Today's Bonus Feature: Free, creates radio stations based on artists you like and other they share common traits with

Today's Quote:
"Blaine? Blaine?! That's not a name, that's a..a...major appliance!" ~Duckie Dale

Extra post, because it's my blog and I can

Rewind to Saturday, May 16

Sugarland Concert, by the numbers:

Hours of rain: 4+
# of muddy, rain soaked fields: 1
# of guys in camo with beer guts singing and dancing along to the music: 1 visible
# of guys singing between spitting their chaw: 1 visible
# of women in white pants on muddy, rain soaked fields: many
# of women who will never get those pants white again: many
# of shoes sucked off in inches-deep mud: dozens
# of acts: 3 (Matt Nathanson, Billy Currington, Sugarland
# of amazingly talented cute beautiful charming blonde singers names Jennifer: 1
# of renditions of REM's Night Swimming that should make Michael Stipe bow before Jennifer: 1
# of K9 cops laughing at the mud-covered chaos: 1

PS: Number of macho hunter good ol' boys who learned to knit: 1

Quote of the post:
"Baby, I am so attracted to you right now..." ~Wife of Aforementioned Macho Knitting Man

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Work
2. Gym
3. Beth

Today's Music
Peter Paul and Mary, Pirates of the Caribbean Movie scores (NOTE: this is my default music on days when I am way busy)

Today's Bonus Feature:
Penguin Cam! Not as cute as Puppy Cam, but amusing nonetheless.

Today's Quote:
"Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar." ~Bradley Millar

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Work
2. Post office, library, produce store
3. Gym or haircut
4. Pick up dinner at Logan's
4. Go home, help Jaspher plant Bishop's Weed ground cover.

Today's Music:
Hank Williams Jr, Chicago (Movie Soundtrack), I Am Sam Soundtrack

Today's Bonus Feature:
Google Fun! Go to Click on Preferences next to search box. Pull down Interface Language List. Change your interface language to Bork! Bork! Bork!. Or Elmer Fudd. Or Hacker. Or Pirate.

Today's Quote:
"My, I'll bet you monsters lead innnnteresting lives." - Bugs Bunny

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Animal duty-play with kitten, but two dogs plus dogsit dog out to play, feed everyone without a barking growling fight ensuing
2. Work
3. Go for walk at lunch, reading Angels and Demons
4. Gym
5. Knitting - work on pink bag for friend

Today's Music:
Johnny Cash, Linkin Park, Coldplay

Today's Bonus Feature:
Got books?

Today's Quote:
"If you think the last four words of the national anthem are 'Gentlemen, start your engines,' you might be a redneck."
- Jeff Foxworthy

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 16, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Play with Kitten, tire out dog
2. Time how long it takes and how many clothing changes it takes for Jaspher to get ready for the concert.
3. Debate exactly what knitting and knitting needles should or should not go along for the ride.
3. Go see Sugarland/Billy Currington/Matt Nathanson, from soundcheck until they chuck us out.
3.5 (limited)Make nicey-nice with clients at concert.
4. Hope the rain passes us, have ponchos at the ready just in case.
5. Sing and scream ourselves hoarse. It's Sugarland. What else are we s'posed to do?

Today's Music:

May 15, 2009

Today's Agenda

.5 Pics of baby bunnies - happy to report that they have left the nest, sad to report that we found two alive, one deceased, and two gone.
.75 Play with kitten
1. Work
2. Secret Shops
3. Pick up sides for tonight's BBQ
3.5 Pick up ponchos for tomorrow's rain-or-shine outdoor SUGARLAND concert (storms predicted) WOO-HOO!
4. BBQ with Jaspher's boss and coworkers
5. If this is anything like Xmas party, laugh at said boss and coworkers as they get completely wasted on all sorts of exotic shots. Being a non-drinker has its advantages...

Today's Music
Sugarland (duh!)

Today's Bonus Feature:
If you love Joss Whedon, Neil Patrick Harris (NPH), Nathan Fillion, or movies about Superheros, you MUST watch this. Dr. Horrible Sing-along Blog.

Today's Quote:
Bones: It is a human characteristic to love small furry animals.
Spock: Doctor, I'm well acquainted with human characteristics. I'm frequently inundated by them, but I've trained myself to put up with practically everything.
-Star Trek, The Trouble with Tribbles

Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 14, 2009

Today's Agenda:

.5 Yea, the bunnies are still there.
1. Work
1.5 Squee over Sugarland Tickets for Saturday....squeeeeeeeeeeeee
2. Dr. Appt
3. Secret Shops - 3
4. Get stuff for vinegar slaw and either fruit or potato salad
5. Watch season finales of CSI and CSI: New York
5. Cook dinner, make salads
6. Try to keep dog from drowning kitten in slobber.

Today's Music:
Jurassic Park Score (since I did not get to it yesterday), Pet Shops Boys Discography (again)

Today's Bonus Feature:
How many of these have you forgotten? Or more to the point, how many will you cop to watching?

Today's Quote:
"All television is educational television. The question is: what is it teaching?" ~Nicholas Johnson

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009

Today's Agenda:

.5 Take pics of getting-bigger-baby-bunnies
1. Work
2. Secret Shops
3. More Secret Shops
4. (possible) Clean up after as-yet-unnamed kitten
5. Clean Kitchen
6. Find vinegar slaw recipe

Today's Music:
Jurassic Park Original Score, Magic - Bruce Springsteen, Touch of Class - Frank Sinatra

Today's Bonus Feature:
Special work-safe video:

Today's Quote:
"The ultimate goal of the educational system is to shift to the individual the burden of pursing his own education. This will not be a widely shared pursuit until we get over our odd conviction that education is what goes on in school buildings and nowhere else." John W. Gardner

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12, 2009

Today's Agenda

.5 Check on and photograph bunnies
1. Work
2. Call dad to tell him Happy Birthday
3. Secret Shops - Sparkman
4. Receive kitten!
5. Introduce kitten to new home and housemates-two dogs, one cat, four fish, one frog, and a hedgehog.
6. Do not introduce kitten to wild baby bunnies.

Today's Music:
Siouxsie and the Banshees, June Carter Cash, Addams Family Movie Original Score

Today's Bonus Feature:
Addictive AND charitible. It's a win-win, plus if you every get on Jeopardy, you'll have the vocabulary to win.

Today's Quote:
"There is no sin in not liking to play; it's a mistake for a boy to be there if he doesn't want to."-Paul "Bear" Bryant, legendary University of Alabama Football Coach

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11, 2009

Today's Agenda

1. Photograph baby rabbits
2. Work
2. Mail Dad's birthday present, knowing there is no way it will make it to CA by tomorrow on my budget.
3. Go to pet store to get stuff for new kitten, arriving tomorrow
4. Knitting
5. Grocery shopping
6. Make home ready for new kitten

Today's Music:
Abba, Miranda Lambert, Batman Original Score (Danny Elfman)

Today's Bonus Feature:
Addictive semi-game

Today's Quote:
"People are pretty much alike. It's only that our differences are more susceptible to definition than our similarities." ~Linda Ellerbee

May 10, 2009

Today's Agenda (completed)

1. Check/photograph baby rabbits
2. Take Mom to lunch
3. Go to cemeteries for Decoration Day and look at all the lovely bright flowers and decorations on the graves.
4. Bathe puppies (again) (side note: Boston Terrier got a bath Friday after wallowing in the only mud puddle in a huge yard)
5. Intend to warp loom, cuss when you realize you left a key part of the loom at home
6. Go home, check on baby rabbits
7. Cook lunches for week

Today's Music
Local oldies station, listening to Top Women from 1963-1973

Today's Bonus Feature:
Free stuff

Today's Quote:
"Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck." - George Carlin

Saturday, May 9, 2009

About that wildlife...

Ok, so last night Jaspher's gay agenda read as such:

1. Mow the lawn jungle
2. Go to sleep

#1 started out fine. I got home and he was moving the lawn. I believe he was on his second lap, as the recent rains had turned the back yard into a thigh high mess that the dogs were getting lost in. Lap 1, no issues. Midway through Lap 2, the mower stops, and he hollers for me that there is something alive in the yard. I meet him on the back deck, and he says, "I need a stick to poke it with." This is a direct quote, mind you. And I concurred. We picked up a piece of leftover trim from the kitchen cabinets and crept up to the area he had already mowed over..twice. Sure enough, the ground was undulating under a pile of grass, surrounded by gray fluff. We gingerly moved the grass aside (only after a few rounds of "What the h--- is THAT?"), and there were five lively squirming THINGS...all we could see were noses and ears. Now, it was dusk mind you, and the THINGS were dark, and two has white blazes on their foreheads. We covered them back up and went inside. Now me, having smelled skunk last week, used to Google to look up baby wildlife...and these looked just like baby skunks. And once again the Internets helped me figure out who to call,

Fast forward to this morning. 7:56A, the Wildlife Rescue woman calls me back. I throw on some clothes, go out in the yard with The Stick, and check on the still wriggling, now larger and definitely brown babies. They had their first photo shoot, and the pics went to Wildlife Lady, who confirmed that they were bunnies and not skunks (THANK GOODNESS). Thanks to a jury-rigger shelter, they did not drown in today's downpour, and were lively and trying to figure out what the heck was going on when I checked on them tonight. I'll take more pictures tomorrow.

Now, you know you live in the country when an unmowed backyard does not mean just your run-of-the-mill mice and spiders and snakes. It also means that the local wildlife thinks you are running a B&B, and when you least expect it, the lawn starts moving and out pop bunnies.

May 9, 2009

Today's Agenda (completed)

0. Be woken up by Wildlife Rescue volunteer (see next post)
1. Breakfast treat (oatmeal with the works)
2. Go to yarn store for BIG YARN SALE.
3. Go to Walmart for headphones so Jaspher can listen to BGSS and Lovecast (Dan Savage) podcasts.
4. Go to favorite mexican restaurant for lunch with friends.
5. Go to library to check out documentaries on Mormons (1) and proms (1).
6. Home to watch Mormon DocumentaryNascar Darlington race and do craft stuff.

Today's Music:
Country in the radio, Darrell Waltrip in the booth

Today's Bonus Feature:
And the sad part is, someone spent TIME on this...

Today's quote:
“Noodles I love. Trouble, not so much." - Henry Rollins

Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8, 2009

Today's Agenda

1. Work
2. Go to Walmart (lunch) for secret shops
3. Gym
4. Sort and send ATCs for Shiny Swap
5. Go through yarn stash in preparation for The Big Sale
6. Bag yarns to take to match at sale

Today's Music
Mix from playlist, including Tom Waits, Tori Amos, Charlie Daniels, Trace Adkins, Jon Brion, Hans Zimmer

Today's Bonus Feature
One of my favorite artists, Daniel Merriam. I am lucky enough to have seen the originals of many of his works.

Today's Quote:
"Normal is overrated." - Dr. House

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7, 2009

Today's Agenda

1. Work
2. Dr. appt for sore ear
3. Gym
4. Go to Beth's, eat homemade corned beef hash.
5. Knit

Today's Music
Mix of music from playlist, including Neko case, Danny Elfman, Meatloaf, Frank Sinatra, Vanessa Carlton, Grease Soundtrack, Big & Rich (before John Rich became a vocal right wing jerk)

Today's Bonus Feature
In honor of my snuffly, farty, licky, slobbery, cuddly Boston Terrier

Todays' Quote:
"On the subject of dress almost no one, for one or another reason, feels truly indifferent: if their own clothes do not concern them, somebody else's do." ~Elizabeth Bowen

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6, 2009

Today's Agenda

1. Work
2. Drinks with work crew at beer o'clock (or unsweet tea o'clock) for me
3. Gym?
4. Sort ATC trades and prepare for mailing
5. Find t-shirts for Mother's Day gifts

Today's Music
O Brother, Where Art Thou? Soundtrack, A Place to Land-Little Big Town

Today's Bonus Feature
Since I keep talking about them, here is a page with pics of lots of artist trading cards (scroll down). Please note, none of these are mine, and this is not a paid advertisement.

Quote of the Day:
"It's a cruel season that makes you get ready for bed while it's light out." ~Bill Watterson (author and cartoonist, Calvin and Hobbes)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009

Today's Agenda

1. Work
2. Go to the bank
3. Go to the gym
4. Get desperately needed haircut
5. Clean kitchen
6. ATCs (2 Shiny, others including Asia, Dogs)

Today's Music:
Peter Paul and Mary, Linkin Park, Blue Man Group

Today's Bonus Feature:
Winner: Creative Use of Underwear

Today's Quote:
“If you have a complete set of salad bowls and they all say Kool Whip on the side, you might be a redneck.” Jeff Foxworty

Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Work
2. Go to natural food store to return carob peanut clusters that were supposed to be carob coconut clusters.
3. Go to Gym
4. Knit night - work on a prototype Woven Noro Felted Bag for upcoming craft show
5. Grocery shopping

Today's Music:
Johnny Cash "American V: A Hundred Highways", A Clockwork Orange Soundtrack, Tom Waits "Mule Variations"

Today's Bonus Feature:
So Long, Golden Girl.

Today's Quote:
"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." ~Victor Hugo

Saturday, May 2, 2009

extra post, because this is my blog and I'm allowed

Re: Nights 5/1 and 5/2, aka Juxtaposition

Friday night: Went to a free showing of the Tromarific film "Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town", yet another fine offering from our friends at Troma Pictures (rated R). It featured women on bikes, radioactive battery-operated zombies, a dwarf, blind orphans, a nurse, a hearse, a bullwhip, two bar brawls, one chick fight, and a bunch of zombies who just wanted to go "hooooooooooooommmme" who, upon getting there, went back to their old habits (smoking their pipes, watching TV) when they were eating people. Oh, and the cast included Billy Bob Thornton and Hal Sparks. And once again, the town was saved because someone realized that you have to...wait for it...AIM FOR THE HEAD. Zombie fighting weapons included: baseball bat, acetylene torch, boom box on a strap, pistols, revolvers, and a staple gun. Screening was at local arts collective, in a theatre furnished with castoff chairs and sofas and random strips of fabric pretending to be curtains.

Saturday night: Went to the play "Happy Days" on passes from work. This frothy, cheesy musical was indeed based on the TV show. Rated G. Performance was in our local concert hall, with padded numbered seats, ushers, programs, and people in ties.It was surprisingly good, with singers who could actually sing and dance. And yes, The Fonz was there, complete with a comb, his "office", and the ubiqutous "Aaaaayyyy". And yes, they referenced how he just hadn't seemed as cool since he jumped the shark. And yes, there was the obligatory cheezy dream sequence in which The Fonz was visited by Elvis, James Dean, and a gospel choir made up of cast members in ivory choir robes and aviator sunglasses. Everything came out fine in the end, except perhaps Chachi, who had to spend several minutes on stage in a Leopard print jacket and hat with ears.

May 3, 2009

Today's Agenda: ETA to reflect NO MOM

1. Detail the stove and mop the kitchen, hopefully before The Mom invades.
2. Lunch
3. Trips to Tractor Supply and Walmart, because that is what Southerners do on Sunday (besides go to church and drive really really slow).
4. Make a bunch of ATCs (5 Red, 5 Shiny) for swap
5. Rewarp the loom.
6. Review my Nascar Fantasy picks and see how much I/my team sucks.

Today's Music:
Whatever Mom puts on the radio

Today's Bonus Feature: This is honor of the hedgehog currently snoozing on my computer.

Today's Quote:
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." ~Pablo Picasso

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1, 2009-May 2, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Work
2. First Friday Artist Market, Flying Monkey
3. Movie Night: Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town at the Flying Monkey (
4. Sleep in preparation for......

Tomorrow's Agenda
1. Spring cleaning, including sealing tile and grout strike from agenda and move to Sunday, cleaning baseboards, organize and clean craft room, sweeping an mopping kitchen/craft room/dining area strike from agenda and move to Sunday, cleaning dog and hedgehog cages, and cleaning my absolute PIT of a room
2. Go to the theatre for Happy Days. Try not to drown on the way there.

Today's Music:
Man of La Mancha (Original Broadway Cast Recording), Pirates of the Caribbean 1 Score
Tomorrow's Music:
OutQ Radio, Podcasts, Country

Today's Bonus Feature: For the love of all things handmade (This is not a paid advertisement)
Tomorrow's Bonus Feature: Rated G, and please, don't kill me....

Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30, 2009

Today's Agenda

1. Work
2. Go walking on lunch break
3. Go to gym
4. Go to Build-a-Bear
5. Watch CSI
6. Make the freakin' Umbrella ATCs that have been stricken from last two day's agendas

Today's Music

Wizard of Oz Soundtrack, Walk the Line Soundtrack, Fried Green Tomatoes Score

Today's Bonus Feature:
Penguin Baseball - How far can YOU get?

Quote of the Day:
"People said that we would have a black president when pigs fly. Well, in his first 100 days in office, swine flu." quoted by W. Elrick from anonymous source

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29, 2009

Today's Agenda

1. Work
2. Go to post office and bank strike from agenda
3. Go to gym strike from agenda
4. Dinner at local mexican restaurant
5. Coffee meet-and-greet at local bookstore
6. Umbrella themed ATCs (carried over from April 28) strike from agenda. again.

Today's Music:
Judy Garland in Hollywood: Her Greatest Movie Hits, Leonard Cohen Soundtrack from I'm Your Man, Planet of the Apes 2001 Score

Today's Bonus Feature:
This is a superaddictive game. Anyone who ever read a Choose Your Own Adventure Book should look at this. Be prepared to have minutes of your life sucked into the void.

Quote of the Day:
"When I play with my cat, who knows whether she is not amusing herself with me more than I with her." Montaigne

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28, 2009

Today's Agenda

1. Work
2. Lunch for a coworker's birthday
3. Go to the gym
4. Work on umbrella-themed ATCs (artist trading cards) strike from agenda
ETA 4a. Clean Kitchen
5. Put new project on loom strike from agenda
ETA 5a. Read book: History of Chocolate

Today's Music: Bruce Springsteen, Cabaret (1998 cast recording), Simon & Garfunkel

Today's Bonus Feature:

Quote of the Day:
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27, 2009

Today's Agenda:

1. Work
2. Get stuff to make granola
3. Go to the gym
4. Go to Knitting Club

Today's Music: Pet Shop Boys, Hank Williams Jr., Rockabilly Rumble

Today's Bonus Feature:
Granola Recipe
2 cups roasted salted almonds, chopped
1/2 cup roasted salted pistachios, chopped
1/4 cup roasted salted pepitas
1/4 cup roasted salted sunflower seeds
ground sea salt (DO NOT USE REGULAR TABLE SALT!)

Preheat oven to 350 and line a cookie sheets with aluminum foil. Grease foil with cooking spray.

Put nuts in bowl and sprinkle with sea salt. Add honey and mix until nuts are well-coated and the whole mass is sticky. Spread on cookie sheet and lightly sprinkle with salt. Bake about 20 minutes, or until edges start to crisp and the whole thing is golden brown. Remove from oven. Sprinkle lightly with salt. Cool, break apart, eat. Eat some more :)

Quote of the Day:
"A book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party,a company by the way, a counselor, a multitude of counselors."~ Henry Ward Beecher ~